Saturday, April 09, 2005

I must not have much to say...

Good grief. It's strange how, before I started my blog, I had so many good ideas running through my head to discuss but, now that I have a blog, there seem to be none. Maybe I think deeper thoughts when the weather is crumby; the sun beat my musings out of my head! Who would have thought the cobwebs were actually helping?? Maybe that's why the stereotypical eccentric artists are always pasty white - they have to hide from the sun in order to generate their own light... hehehe, eccentric artists...
So I hope I didn't lose my initial reader base due to neglect. Oh, what the heck, PLEASE come back everyone! I want to be read! I'm begging to be read! I will try to keep things interesting for you!

1 comment:

J. Macotela said...

Loud and clear. You have a loyal reader here. Keep writing, I'll keep reading.

CuĂ­date mucho.
